I feel like this is the time of year where athletes begin to roll out their new long list of sponsors. So to be a little bit more original I'll have you play a little guessing game...
Remember those weird games you would play in elementary school to guess the saying...
This one is meant to symbolize...you guessed it...THE NORTH FACE!!! If you don't get my symbolism, the word Face is on the top (i.e- the north side) versus the bottom which would be the south side. Get it?? Anyone??

I am pretty excited about being a North Face sponsored athlete/ambassador. I like the roll they play in the ultra running scene and they sponsor a lot of really great races. Also, as a sponsored athlete/ambassador, there is a lot of potential for growth in that roll. To check out more about who The North Face is and what they do click here

Last night I went to the Vancouver Mountain Film Festival. The theme of the night was "The Stein Valley". Peter and I ran there last year and it is a stunning place to camp, hike, run. It's located in the 'armpit' of B.C, Lytton, which is one of the hottest places in our Province (I think). Peter has his own goals towards traversing the Stein, but I will keep those a secret. Mark Grist, A.K.A 'Moose', came along for the ride. He is a park ranger and an amazing guy, who by the way is great with a chainsaw and looks fantastic in buttless chaps (so Peter says). Ladies, he is single if anyone is interested. We are currently taking applications. He asked me what my favorite 2-3 hour run was and although it is only 1:45 I didn't need more than a second to answer.

From our house in Lynn Valley, we run up Hoskins Rd and within 10 minutes we are on the Baden Powell. From there we go all the way to the St. Georges Bench and up St. Georges Trail to Old Mountain Highway. Continue along this road until you get to secret seven or seventh secret and get ready because its one twisty, turny, technical gnarl of fun. We have done it the last 2 Wednesdays and I hope this trend continues.
Give this run a try and let me know how it goes!
I have lots more to write about but I best leave it for another day.
See you in the trails!
Wow, Congrats!
st. georges up through mtn highway and down seventh secret is currently my favorite bike ride.. i tend to throw in either pipeline or if i'm feeling stupid espresso for the final descent - so amazing having those trails nearby.
would be funny bumping into you and pete up there hehe.
see you guys on friday night.
Congrats on the sponsorship!!
Congrats Nicola!
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