Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I was kind of dreading having to write this blog because anyone who really knows me knows how incredibly indecisive I am. This post might have you thinking..'can't she ever make up her mind', but to me, this is one decision I feel I am incredibly decisive about.

After 2 weeks of school (yes, not long, but it felt like ages) I have made a switch in direction. In August I signed up for classes (pre-requisits) to Persue a career in P.E teaching. This was not a new idea, I had been thinking about it for quite sometime. I was also taking one counselling psychology class as a pre-requisite for an eventual masters in counselling psych to become a guidance counsellor. Everytime I sat in a teaching class, I couldnt help but think to myself "what am I doing here?" and I was constantly questioning if this was even a career I wanted. Part of me thought it was just a practical position because you get great benefits and a pension. However, I am not a practical person. I live my life very unpractically, which has proven to be a blessing. It has allowed me to LIVE MY LIFE.

However, with all the dislike of my other classes, I was LOVING my counselling psych class. I activily participate in the class and I actually WANT to read the text book. I kept thinking to myself "why not skip this teacher bit and just persue a career in counselling". With the deadline of dropping my classes and still getting a refund looming over my head, I finally made my decision. To be honest, it feels like a weight has been lifted. There is nothing worse than being in a classroom when you flat out don't want to be there. I really tried to put my best foot forward, telling myself that doing classes you dont like is just part of the game. But, I did that for the 6 years I was getting my degree and life is just too damn short to want to do it again!

Now, I am back to my life. I only have to go to school 1 day a week. I added another counselling psych class I need but it is online! I am so excited to learn more in this area. A masters in councelling psych is the nest step but I am not going to jump into that until I am really ready to be there.

I am doing a 15km race out at Bunten Lake this weekend. I am excited to go run fast on some amazing trails with a bunch of other people. Time to get my speed cap on!

Congrats to everyone who did Frosty 50km last weekend!


1 comment:

Sophie Speidel said...


I have read your blog for some time and really enjoy it!

I just wanted to add that I also switched careers from Physical Education teacher to School Counselor about 20 years ago and absolutely love my job. I was in an undergrad P.E. program and taught P.E. and health for two years before deciding to go back to school to get my M.Ed. in Counseling (one "l" here in the States). I have now been teaching health, human development, sex ed, and drug and alcohol prevention programs as well as coaching lacrosse and being the School Counselor at an independent day school for the past 16 years and I absolutely love my job. Every day is different, and I get to spend time with teens (love them) and also share my passions---lacrosse and ultrarunning--- with them. In the April 2010 archives of my blog, I even posted about a Mini-Barkley trail adventure that I took my students on if you are interested---they loved it :-)

Anyway, you are so smart to follow your gut instincts. So many ultrarunners I know are school counselors (Annette Bednosky, Anne Lundblad)---must be the cool sport we love!

Best of luck to you as you pursue your goals.

All the best,

Sophie Speidel