Thursday, April 22, 2010

Adaptations of training..

When you train, build in volume/intensity, and follow that with a period of recovery you get adaptation. Hopefully this adaptation is to the positive side!

I had been building my mileage up gradually over a 3 week period. At the end of the 3rd week I had totaled nearly 15 hours of mountain running, and my legs were perfectly fatigued by the end of it. I could sense that a down week was needed to recover from such a steady build. I ran a total of 5 days with my longest run being 3:20 (40km). Each run was no longer than 1:15 and I managed to get in a 2:45 minute bike ride as well. The total weeks hours running was approximately 8 hours + biking time.

I was expecting to have very fresh legs this week after a near 7 hour drop in running! Mondays I normally take off but because I simply rode my bike the day before (mind you it was with a heavy heavy pack going to Salt Spring) I thought I'd test the legs out. Unexpectedly, they were quite tight and I guess the biking adventure fatigued them more than I would have anticipated. Tuesday, Peter and I went for 2:30 minute run and this time I wore my HR monitor. I WAS SHOCKED...on every hill, every flat, and every descent, my HR was at least 5 beats lower than the previous weeks. I almost thought my HR monitor must be reading things wrong because I am almost always in the 160's going up hills, especially if they are directly at the start of the run. Although my legs were still a little fatigued, they gains in my cardiovascular system were very noticeable. A little rest does go along way! Wednesday I went for a 50 minute fast run in the am in between clients and felt REALLY good. I got out for another 1:30 later in the afternoon which felt equally as GOOD! Today was more of a mental run for me because it involved running an uphill logging road for an hour but the reward at the top (getting to go down) was all worth it.

I am looking forward to the rest of the week. Peter and I are moving on Sunday and may have to be very sneaky with our running that day. Hopefully, we can throw down a bigger run on Saturday. The weekend is supposed to be gorgeous.

See you in the trails!!!!


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